Sunday, March 17, 2013

Tool #11 - Reflection

I'm happy to be finished with the 11 tools. It took some time for me to sit down and finish but I did enjoy learning about all the fun interactive websites/apps/wiki's/story makers etc. As we have been using the itouches and technology in the classroom, the kids have been able to help me with some things also.  I'm always surprised at how savvy kids are with new items.   

1. favorite tools are : brainpop, wordle, story makers, google docs. I am going to use brainpop for a variety of lessons to give the kids more visuals.  

2. My vision for the classroom has changed by getting me thinking about new ways I can teach with technology and these new devices. My thinking has transformed because I will now do more learning globally versus just within my four walls.

3. I will need to continue to monitor correct procedures and guidelines for using the new devices and will want to make sure my students understand they will be held accountable for appropriate use. I will need time to explore apps and download them to my devices.  I did not encounter any surprises, but 11 tools has enforced the importance of creating and molding digital learners.

Tool #10

1. Three Things I would do to make sure students understand about being good citizens are:
-Using BrainPop video-Internet Safety
- having class discussion on why it is important to be safe online, stranger danger, digital footprinting, etc.
-practicing good digital citizenship within our classroom before expanding globally

2. One of the resources we will us is the I-safe website, lesson on cyber community, cyber safety, and personal security.

3. We will teach it through the brainpop videos, i-safe fact sheet and lessons, and practicing within our classroom being good digital citizens before going globally.

4. We recently had our digital citizenship day in which the kids participated in a class lesson and letters went home to parents.  

Tool #9 - Tools for learning

1. We need an objective with the technology so it is relevant educationally.

2. Using technological devices in stations is just a "new way" of learning/completing the stations. We hold students accountable with the paper/pencil workstations and we need do to the same with the new technology. This will help us to assess our students on what they are learning.

3. Interactive websites I liked are the options under Learning Games for Kids.  You can have kids that are at a higher level complete activities under other grade levels. Another interactive website is glogster, where the kids can create their own interactive posters to share with classmates.

4. I liked Coin Math Free for use on the i-touches to help students recognize and give values to coins. This could be used as a math station, students will be held accountable by writing about what they did in their math journals. Another APP I liked was brainpop for science or social studies, students will be held accountable by completing the interactive quiz after viewing the video.

5. Another option for word study would be to incorporate the ipods, we liked Doodle Buddy--students could practice writing and categorizing their words for the week in a station. Apps for math facts practice would be useful. Plugging in a pair of headphones and listening to tumble books to build fluency and comprehension.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tool #8 - Classroom devices

Things I learned:
1.  Keep the vents on netbooks free and clear of dust and materials so the netbook does not overheat.
2.  The first time you use the netbooks, the log in time will take longer because it will need to load the student/teacher credentials.
3. iTouches can be synced together so all the apps will be connected through iCloud.

Using the devices:
I plan to manage the devices in my classroom by having a "Technician" who will take out and put away the devices in to the storage cabinet.  They will also be responsible for helping students who may need assistance with basic information.  The students will be taught the proper way to handle all the devices and they will understand the importance of following the given guidelines.

Tool #7 - Collaborative Classrooms

Letter Writing Using Classroom Blogs

A. Objective: TLW understand letter writing is a means of communicating by creating a letter to a classmate via a blog.

B. We plan to implement this writing blog after spring break.

C. Tools used: blog (creating, posting, commenting) 

D. After spring break, TLW compose a letter to an assigned buddy in a different class. Topic: Spring Break. He/she will ask questions and the assigned buddy will respond by telling about their spring break and answering questions.

Tool #6

I created an account with Edmodo.  I know CBE will use this along with the Daily 5 discussion .  I like that you can create multiple groups so communication is possible with a variety of people.  You can have groups set up for faculty as well as a groups set up for students and subject areas if you choose to do that.  

I also checked out wallwisher.  This can be used as an introductory tool for students to tell about themselves and make connections with their peers.  I could see using this for vocabulary that will be used in upcoming units of study.

As for skype, we could use this to connect with the other first grade classrooms.  Students from other rooms could work together on projects and share information with one another.